
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Steve and I stopped by Target Sunday to pick up a notebook for me (to track my "hippy diet" -- we're toying with the idea that I'm allergic to corn & corn derivatives, not sugar, so we wanted to track my reactions to food VERY carefully.) While there, we saw the new Harry Potter book was on sale for about 45% off the cover price. So, for a few moments we considered buying, decided not, and then remembered that we had one last gift card left over from our wedding (a year ago on Sunday!). We didn't know how much was on the gift card, but assumed around $20/25. We got to the register, and with our other purchases, the total came to a little less than $26. As the cashier scanned our card, I reached for my purse to grab the last buck. I looked up to see "balance due: $0.00." "Excuse me," I asked, "How much do we have left on that card?" "A little over $74," the cashier responded. Steve and I did a little gig out of the store. Not only had we somehow managed to find the money to buy a totally frivolous book, we had also found ourselves seventy five bucks richer in the process!

I am now about half way through the book. My dear sister, whom I love, and who is only on chapter 5 (WAY behind me!) has some how managed to let it slip which major character dies in the end. (Which means, one, she cheated and read ahead, and, two, she really should learn to keep her mouth shut.) So, I'm not terribly happy with her, but I am enjoying the light read in the mean time. (I guess I can't complain. I found out who died in the last book the same "accidental" way Sarah did, and I MAY have let it slip to her as well... although I don't think MY "letting it slip" was NEAR so obvious as Sarah's. REALLY Sarah, you tell me who it's NOT, and then say, "but it's one of the biggest characters besides..." MEAN MEAN MEAN. :) )

SO, I'm looking for other fans out there who have also read the book, so that we can discuss. I can't talk about this with Steve until after he's read it, which will probably be after his qualifying exams are done mid-August. I don't think I want to wait that long.

She did that? Seriously? That's just evil: I hate people that give away the end. I suspected that a character might die for the last 200 pages, but I didn't know for sure until I pretty much read through to the end.

Heh, I stayed up late last night reading the last 200 pages: I just couldn't put the thing down. So, I'm done, and I'd be more than glad to discuss when you're done. I have a mini, very non-spoiler review on my blog as well.
I'm finished as well!!! :) Yes, I wasn't sure even after said character had died that said character DID die... I'm still not entirely convinced... s/he can come back to life, right?!? Maybe??!!!
(incidently, I also finished last night, though not as late as you... I should have called you to discuss. I called my sister instead and somehow she got upset at me for answering the questions SHE kept asking me... What she doesn't know yet is that I didn't exactly answer them "honestly.") :)
Wow. That's one heck of a spoiler. Nice work, girls. Nothing better than online arguing. :-) Luckily, I have also finished the book. I must confess that I wasn't terribly surprised by the ending, because it was the last truly shocking thing that could happen before the last book. Nothing else would have had the same effect.

I'm a little nervous about the last book. J.K. Rowling has successfully ended every single book in a way that involves a huge plot twist involving a character you'd never expect... but there are a lot of things that just HAVE to happen in the last book, so I'm scared she's gonna play with our heads again, and it won't be a happy ending. AAAAH!!! The stress!

:-) We should talk soon, Laura.

Laura, feel free to give me a call. I'm visiting Jess right now, but we could figure out a good time to talk more in full (I can call you so you're not using your long distance or something). I've been bursting to talk about 6 since I finished, but Jess isn't done yet, so I'm all impatient.
Mr Blysse,
It's true. :) Must be some conspiracy. But, unlike the 25 and 30% off sales, here it was 40% off... :)

Well, on me at least, it worked.
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