
Monday, October 31, 2005

Today is Halloween

Much of the joy of living in a house of 11 other people (besides us, the "married couple") is that we don't have much say on what goes on. For example, tonight we are subject to a halloween party, something neither of us would have chosen to do on our own accord. I wore brown pants and a brown shirt to work today. Add my gold leaf earrings, and what do I become for halloween? A tree. I'm thinking of borrowing "downstairs boy"'s green towel to make my hair "green" to top the whole thing off. I planned this about half an hour ago. The party started about 10 minutes ago.

Steve immediately decided he was to be a "tree hugger" for halloween (can you hear the "aw... how cute"s?) A cardboard sign taped around his waste that says "Save the Trees" completes (and begins) his costume.

Tonight after our roommates get smashed, we may just venture the two blocks down to Franklin Street to experience one of the nation's largest halloween extravaganzas.

For pictures of what we intend to get ourselves in to, click here.
Now, off to the party before all get too intoxicated such that the party is no longer fun for those of us not intoxicated.

Wish us luck!

Bleh. Too cute for me. ;)

Good luck with all the drunkards. It can be funny and sad at the same time to watch their antics.
You guys should post pictures of the housing situation sometime. It would be fun to see :)

When are you up in MN for the holidays? We would love to see you again, of course.

And, you should add my theology blog to your blog roll:

:) Shawna
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