
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

If there's a fire tonight... 

10 pm on Hallow's Eve

70 envelopes stuffed and sealed. 50 (or so) stuffed but yet to be sealed.

L, on the floor sealing and checking addresses; S, at the table, stuffing large manila envelopes and signing cover letters.

L (counting envelopes): "So, if there's a fire tonight, you grab this box of applications, I'll grab the baby."

S: "Can I grab my computer, too?"

L: "No, you've got that backed up, and we've got insurance, but we can't replace THESE."

[The job searching process is, well... quite the process. Tomorrow the applications are mailed. And my CA friends, despite the fact that two years ago S said he'd rather live most anywhere BUT Southern CA -- well, it seems he's changed his mind. If his applications have anything to say about it, it looks like he's DYING to live in Southern CA. He's got at least a dozen going your direction. I questioned him about this and he said, "Well, there are a lot of schools in Southern CA. And it occurred to me that I'd rather have many of these jobs in CA than some of the jobs in the rest of the country, irregardless of location." So beware, we may be coming your way.]

Happy Halloween, y'all. And Happy Birthday Kate!

Hey, I'm thinking about moving to Southern CA, now, too. 'Twould be ever so cool to have you in the neighborhood (CA definition of neighborhood: anywhere within a 4-hour drive).

I know it's not your first -- or second -- choice, so I will selflessly continue to pray for one of those to pan out. But CA isn't the end of the world. There are even some pretty cool people there. As you seem to already know.
[dumbfounded look on Sarah's face]

How many jobs is he applying for?!?! Please tell me some of those are, like, duplicates or something.

Are there actually that many openings in your field? [slightly deranged drooling commences]

I think there are three theology jobs opening up this year.
any possibility of coming here???
He is applying to a job in Seattle, yes.
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