Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Elephant Shape Sorter Solutions
For Christmas E got this Elephant Shape Sorter.
She's about the right age for it. But turning the elephant's tail to get the right shape hole facing up... that'll take a little time yet. Usually daddy or I help her with that.
This morning as I went off to exercise, she was holding two shapes in her hand. Many more were scattered on the floor. "Now, sort those into the elephant while I'm gone," I instructed her.
When I came back, all the shapes were sorted. Daddy confessed he helped her with the first one. Then he decided she should do the rest herself.
She tried, he reports, for a couple of minutes, to get the shapes into the holes on the back of the elephant. Then she got smart, and put all the shapes into the elephant's trunk. Thus, completing the task that mama set before her. Ingenious! [Go E, go! Where there's a will, there's a way.]
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