
Thursday, September 25, 2008


As of Monday, I have a new nephew!!! I found out while in the hospital recovering. WELCOME TO THE WORLD, LITTLE GUY!!! I'm excited for you to get my present for you. I think it'll be just the right size, after all.

My sister-in-law's experience, on the other side of the world, was exactly what I pictured MY birth experience to be when I was admitted on Saturday early morning, as far as length, ease of delivery, natural birth, etc. The last time I was in labor I had a relatively easy time of it. Things didn't get painful until I was in transition. This is, it appears, just how her labor went. I was a little jealous to hear about THAT part of her experience, as I remembered just how wonderful and magical it was to be able to hold little E after she was born, and how my body worked miracles over the next week reparing itself while sustaining me with happy endorphins and adreniline and mommy-hormones. My birth experience this time robbed me of so much that she got to feel. I'm still hurting a little (emotionally as well as physically) from the experience.

Then again, I wouldn't want their experience. They delivered in a foreign hospital where they didn't speak the language. Things were strange, things could not be explained because of language barriers, and customs were different. My brother barely got to meet his new son in the first 24 hours of his son's life. Culturally, it was very hard on them. I am so very grateful that things went well for them otherwise and so very excited to see my beautiful new nephew! Welcome to the world, little tyke!

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