
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ahh... Sleep. 

Yesterday I got a bug. It appears it was only a 24-hour deal, but it made quite the show of itself, causing S to come home from work early, twice. This means two days in a row, I have gotten as much sleep as I've wanted in the afternoon (punctuated by an occasional feeding, but those were brief).

In addition I went to bed at around 5 pm last night.

I had forgotten what "normal" felt like. Now I feel it. Ooooh... I am SOOOOO excited for when K finally sleeps through the night!!! I'm ready to feel normal EVERY day. It's been three or four months since I got a full night's sleep on a regular basis.

BUT, it's worth it. Haven't caught those smiles on film yet (mostly because my camera isn't attached to my hip like it was with E) but they're there, warming my heart every day.

The hero of the day and my peaceful (sometimes) one.

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