
Saturday, October 24, 2009

The sweetest not-sweet thing you could say... 

E has been pushing bedtime all night. We've all been there, when everything else seems so much more interesting than sleep. So, she's been pushing the boundaries. She's discovered how many times she can play the "I have to go potty" card before mom and dad catch on. Sadly, not nearly as many times as she'd hoped.

So, she's had to branch out.
"I want another bandaid" (for a small rash that really doesn't need a bandaid -- that one didn't fly.)

"I wanta be in yours arms" -- that one is the kicker. She's been crying it for the last forty five seconds. How can one deny the cry of a toddler shouting and screaming at the top of her lungs that she wants to be in yours arms?

Now it has switched to "I want mamma."


I think I'll give my daughter ONE MORE hug and kiss goodnight.

post script.
It worked. She's now eyes closed, drifting off to dream land. I guess she just needed one last touch of affirmation. Ahh... peace and quiet. Now it's my turn.

Hobbes: "I really need someone to lay with me. I can't go to sleep unless someone lays with me. Will someone please lay with me?"

This happens nearly every night. He DOES fall asleep better when we do it. Problem is, we can't always do it, so he needs to learn to sleep on his own. But, then again, what is more important right now than cuddles? We have the rest of our lives for the other stuff.
I enjoy these glimpses of your life, Laura- Will's line not long ago, (after all his efforts and tears didn't work): "Mamma, can you please come and wipe my tears?" - in a few years I won't get any such invitation, I'm sure, so I took him up on that one. It is sweet when our kids want us/to be with us, even if it gets old putting them back in bed a million times each night. :)
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